Design your future now

Integral coaching to help you awaken the possibilities of your life.

If you are…

Feeling stuck...

Struggling to adapt to a changing world...

Battling self-doubt, despite everything you’ve accomplished...

Facing a major life transition...

Having trouble figuring out “what’s next” in your life, personally or professionally...

You do not have to walk this path alone.

Awaken the Possibilities

Women from different backgrounds and life experiences have inspired both my personal and professional life. From growing up with a gaggle of sisters to later helping women around the world gain access to reproductive justice and autonomy, I am grateful to have touched and been touched by such a variety of female lives.

Despite our differences, as women we shared similar concerns and uncertainties about the future. Many of these anxieties are rooted in self-doubt, no matter how accomplished we are.

The weight of what I now think of as unclaimed joy is tangible in many of our lives. I have felt it myself. I loved my job, yet something else was calling me. I wondered, how could I help women, already successful in so many ways, awaken to possibilities right in front of them so they could not simply do the next expected thing, but the next bold, brave and empowering thing?

Now I design programs for women – one-on-one or in groups – formed at the intersection of “who we are” and “what we do”. I invite women to step into an integrated way of living, where they can bring their whole selves to the table no matter where they are. Much of the pain in our lives comes from being stuck, while sensing the unclaimed joy that is just out of reach. It’s time to claim it.

Dandelion with seeds blowing away

Small Shifts, Big Changes

Not all change has to be life-altering or filled with epiphanies (though who doesn’t love a good epiphany?).

I believe in starting close in, with an initial, often small step that suddenly makes everything else possible.

From that seed of a beginning, the possibilities grow. I help my clients make meaningful shifts in their lives in order to flourish. I help them develop the ability to be present to whatever is happening in the moment. I help them observe their thought patterns and learn how to make minor corrections that lead to big changes.  And I help them cultivate curiosity so that life becomes less about obstacles, and more about possibilities. Together we build pragmatic skills for today, and developmental capacity to respond to whatever emerges in the future. 

If you’d like to learn more about my coaching programs, please reach out. I would love to meet with you (virtually or in person), learn from you, and help you experience life in all its fully dimensional promise and potential.

Diversity of Thought and Experience

In my more than two decades of working with exemplary women – as well as in my own development journey – I have valued a diversity of thought. That’s why, in my coaching, I draw from an array of resources, from ancient wisdom to spiritual texts, from art and literature to modern psychology, from neuroscience to integrated mind, body practices – and everything in between.

Each of us is beautifully unique. That’s why my one-on-one coaching is highly individualized. I design a bespoke coaching program for every single person I work with in order to reflect their unique life path.

Truth: None of us is “missing” anything that we need to thrive. What we need is already inside us. Sometimes, we simply need help bringing it into the light. The goal is to find what resonates in your life and use that as a foundation to shape the life you seek.

Nine Simple Practices to Shift Your Energy

We all find ourselves in moments of fatigue, stuckness, overwhelm, and anxiety. Happily, we also have the inner resources to shift our state of mind with just a few minutes of intentional practice.  

Experiment with these nine practices to help move yourself from reactive to responsive.

  • Social Scientist | Carrboro, NC

    Working with Kathryn, I have found myself experiencing deep, mindful conversations which have helped me shift away from a “professional vs personal” mindset towards a “whole person” mindset. Bringing one’s whole self to work each day is not easy. Nor is necessarily how we are taught to “show-up” in the workplace. Through my work with Kathryn, I am seeing how embracing one’s whole self will benefit my work life. Her ability to see the whole person, to make insightful connections between who I am and how I show-up in my professional life, to link my experiences to poetry, to music (and even to pop culture!) is unique and inspiring. Working with Kathryn is making me a better person, not just a better professional.

  • Chef and Restaurant Owner | Paris, France

    Katie was my coach for about 6 months and it was during a really difficult time in my life. I was struggling to separate my personal and professional lives in a healthy and productive manner. Not only did she help me distinguish the two very clearly, but she helped me create healthy boundaries between the two, and now I lead a much better life professionally, and my personal relationships have flourished! Thank you Katie for your grace, patience, and understanding.

  • Writer & Editor | Charlotte, NC

    Working with Katie was transformative. Katie shows up for her clients not simply as a coach, but as a whole person. Her unique way of honoring our endeavor gave me the courage necessary to enact real change. Our time together felt sacred, held up by a shared desire to seek solutions through creativity, vulnerability, and grace.

  • Director | Chapel Hill, NC

    It feels like magic how my sessions with Kathryn are always “right on time” for whatever challenge I’m facing. Indeed it is some magical blend of science together with the art of being, because Kathryn truly has a rare talent for bringing highly effective coaching techniques into recognizing and solving the everyday challenges of being human. Kathryn’s careful preparation and deep listening practices alchemized to give me concrete tools and practices after every session—and each one offered relief immediately. After just 3 sessions my growth has been exponential—each day I settle a little more into a sense of flourishing in this world, rather than simply surviving it. I know that I absolutely needed Kathryn’s coaching and support to get me here, and I couldn’t feel more humbled and grateful that I had this experience with her.

  • Associate Director | Greensboro, NC

    Before I started my work with Kathryn, I felt fundamentally stuck in my life and work. I identified this as a career issue that was spilling over into my life. I had a general sense of the contributing factors, but I had no idea how to find my way forward.

    Working with her has been transformative. Even though I started the conversation from the very practical place of wanting to know what jobs to apply to, Kathryn was able to recognize that we first needed to address my patterns and how I care for myself. Without that recognition of all the things that I needed to address, I would have just been recreating the same patterns over and over again in my life and career. Kathryn is able to create a really broad empathetic container for the coaching experience so that I feel like I can show up fully and have my whole self be part of the process.

    Now, thanks to our work together, I understand the continuing practices I need to put into place to have the life and career I want, and I have so many resources I can draw from to support that. I am more gentle and kind to myself in this process of life and work discovery. I have so many more skills to support myself to building the life and career I want.

  • Senior Director | Seattle, WA

    My coaching sessions with Kathryn are the highlight of my week. It feels like every time I walk away with heightened self-awareness that has helped me progress along my adult development journey much more quickly than I could have hoped for. Kathryn has a high degree of emotional intelligence, deep listening skills, humility, and empathy allowing her to intuit things even I hadn’t been able to see. She practices her craft with incredible compassion, radical candor, and throws in humor to make it fun. I can’t recommend her enough.